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Git Hash: beb308f
Request Amount: 854
Request Frequency: 2.367 times/minute
Cache Hit Ratio: 0.042
Memory Usage: 142.553088 MB
CPU Usage: 0%
Run Time: 6.01 hour(s)
Hot Routes: 110 /weibo/user/:uid/:routeParams?
54 /zhihu/people/activities/:id
48 /qiyoujiage/:path+
48 /pork-price
48 /bing
48 /douban/movie/playing
48 /douban/movie/playing/:score
42 /
30 /xueqiu/user/:id/:type?
25 /coolapk/huati/:tag
20 /latepost/:proma?
20 /163/dy/:id
18 /coolapk/tuwen/:type?
16 /sspai/matrix
16 /chouti/:subject?
16 /xueqiu/fund/:id
15 /zhihu/daily
14 /smzdm/haowen/:day?
13 /36kr/([\w-/]+)?/
13 /weibo/search/hot
11 /news/author/:mid
11 /nga/forum/:fid/:recommend?
9 /zhihu/hotlist
9 /douban/group/:groupid/:type?
9 /zaobao/realtime/:section?
8 /douban/movie/weekly/:type?
8 /guancha/:category?
8 /dgtle
8 /smzdm/haowen/fenlei/:name/:sort?
7 /zaobao/znews/:section?
Hot Paths: 52 /bing
48 /weibo/user/7818288772
48 /qiyoujiage/jiangsu
48 /pork-price
48 /zhihu/people/activities/yilin-wang-38
48 /douban/movie/playing
48 /douban/movie/playing/7.5
43 /
27 /163/dy/W605063378575932602
26 /latepost
26 /weibo/user/2377200842
20 /coolapk/tuwen
19 /sspai/matrix
16 /chouti/hot
16 /zhihu/daily
16 /xueqiu/fund/000217
14 /weibo/search/hot
14 /smzdm/haowen/1
11 /zhihu/hotlist
11 /tencent/news/author/5107513
11 /nga/forum/706
11 /coolapk/huati/%E5%A4%B8%E5%85%8B%E7%BD%91%E7%9B%98
10 /weibo/user/1887344341
9 /xueqiu/user/1062883669
8 /douban/movie/weekly
8 /guancha/home
8 /dgtle
8 /zaobao/realtime/china
8 /weibo/user/2183570524
7 /zaobao/znews/China
Hot Error Routes: 11 /news/author/:mid
4 /ximalaya/:type/:id/:all?
3 /news
1 /:lang/:category?
Hot Error Paths: 11 /news/author/5107513
4 /ximalaya/album/12442778
3 /news
1 /zhihu/hotlist
1 /smzdm/haowen/fenlei/diannaoshuma
1 /cn